Contract Type: 
Saturday, April 2, 2016 - 14:00
Mission Start Time: 

US Armed Forces


As you know, we've been sidelined in Zargabad while armed groups have seized the city center and airport. We were able to secure a supplies earlier in the week. However, OPFOR in the areas has caught wind and started blocking roads in the city as well as upping their patrols in the area.

This has resulted in the kidnapping of 3 US personnel. This is cause for great concern, as US forces are not to be in the area of Zargabad under any circumstance. They are threatening to broadcast the executions unless met with ridiculous demands. If this happens, it will spark an international incident with who knows what consequences.

Last reports indicated the prisoners are alive and being held in the heart of Zargabad.


Primary objective - Retrieve the prisoners and return them back to the border checkpoint.

Secondary objective - Recon the surrounding area for roadblocks and mark their positions.

This mission is deemed classified and will not be on record. All contact with US government agencies and affiliates will be denied, all records and dates relating to this mission will be made to never exist.